
Check out our new website: greenmountainquiltersguild.com


Welcome to the

Green Mountain Quilters Guild 

 Serving the needs of all quilters and quilt guilds
in Vermont and beyond!

The purpose of Green Mountain Quilters Guild (GMQG) is to:

  •  Provide an encouraging environment in which the quilters from the State of Vermont and neighboring states may share, practice, and exchange ideas related to quilting.
  • Offer educational programs and speakers to contribute to the growth of the knowledge of quilting.
  • Support and promote the appreciation of quilting in New England.

GMQG features speakers, guild support programs, quilting camaraderie, vendors, refreshments, and a spring auction.  The membership of GMQG is comprised of individuals who have interest in quilts or quilting – from the beginner to the expert.  Guests are always welcome.

GMQG meets twice a year, in May and October.  The May meeting features a special guest speaker and quilter’s auction, while the October meeting features technique demonstrations.  All meetings offer show and tell and a vendor’s mall.  Guilds are welcome to bring their raffle quilts and sell tickets.

We are the information source for the

Vermont Barn Quilt Trail 

GMQG Proudly Supports the
New England Quilt Museum and Vermont Quilt Festival

For information about our next meeting.

Email us at: greenmountainquiltersguild@gmail.com